Saturday, June 9, 2012

What are the Best Prostate Supplements for Male Health?

There are a number of prostate supplements on the market all promising to boost male health and prevent BPH and prostate cancer. But not all of these natural remedies have science behind them, so it's important to choose wisely when it comes to men's health supplements.

By the age of fifty, over half of the male population will face a condition known as benign prostate hypertrophy, an enlargement of the gland caused by the accumulation of DHT, a derivative of testosterone. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of the mineral zinc, a vitamin B6 deficiency, fatty acid depletion, toxins, bacteria or pesticides. Any of these can contribute to the conversion of testosterone to DHT, causing the gland to swell.


Supplements for prostate health can address these issues, and not only help prevent BPH but also help alleviate the pain and slow the progression of an existing prostate problem. That's why more and more men are turning to natural prostate supplements to give them a fighting chance and decrease their risk of prostate cancer.

What are the Best Prostate Supplements for Male Health?

One of the most popular and well-researched prostate suppliments is saw palmetto, an herb from a tree native to the Atlantic seaboard. The active ingredient of this herb is beta sitosterol, a powerful compound that can actually interfere with the conversion of testosterone to DHT. As such it can prevent enlargement of the gland. It has also been shown to go one step further and shrink the prostate as well as relieve urinary problems associated with the condition.

Red clover is another of the popular supplements for prostate health, and acts in a similar fashion to saw palmetto extract. It's a member of the pea family, and can inhibit DHT formation through its powerful antioxidant ability.

In addition to the prostate herbs there are vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can be helpful to men. As we mentioned above, a lack of zinc can exacerbate the problem, so ensuring that your body gets enough of this essential nutrient is crucial. It is also an important part of many other body processes.

The B Family of vitamins can also help; in particular B6 should be present in all prostate supplements. This vitamin regulates the hormone involved in testosterone conversion to DHT. As such it is able to ensure that benign prostate hypertrophy is kept in check, and even prevented.

Another nutrient making headlines is lycopene, which can be found in many popular male formulas. This is a powerful extract from tomatoes which can reduce inflammation and prevent the onset of prostate cancer. Although you can get it from eating tomatoes, a supplement can ensure lycopene content, where the fruit might be lacking by the time it hits store shelves.

Before choosing any supplements for prostate health, make sure you speak with your doctor first and discuss your options. Although many prostate suppliments are available as stand alone products, you might reap more benefits from a comprehensive formula that contains herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients for male health.

Since BPH affects so many men, it's important that we learn as much as we can about this condition. Prostate supplements just might be the answer to the problem.

What are the Best Prostate Supplements for Male Health?

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Health Benefits of Quinoa

The ancient seed of Quinoa is so versatile and such an important source of nutrients that it has been referred to as the "gold" of the Incas. It is known to increase stamina, a useful aid in days gone by when "warriors" needed every bit of advantage they could get when their "people" were under attack.

However, such is the structure of Quinoa, it has the benefit of being a natural and complete protein. This means that it has all the amino acids like acid lysine which is very important for the repair and growth of body tissue. As shown below, it is known to be beneficial to the body in a number of ways - nature's natural remedy.


Migraines and hypertension

Health Benefits of Quinoa

Riboflavin and magnesium are the natural aids in Quinoa for bad headaches. They are known to help relax the blood vessels, which reduces constriction and so eases tension. Basically they help the body to function better which in turn eases the stress the body experiences when circumstances make it over work. While no one claims it makes headaches go away, it can help and is known to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

Childhood Asthma

Many allergies are connected with grass seeds but Quinoa is not a grass. It is a plant but is not known to produce serious allergic reactions in people. Asthma is the result of breathing difficulties that are made worse by tension. It is known to have triggers and often there is a family history of asthma. It is known to have got worse over the years and many experts point to our modern living conditions as making it more prevalent. While not all asthma attacks are caused by allergies which may or may not be avoidable, it is known that Quinoa helps to reduce body stress and helps to keep the airways open. It is recommended that children with asthma eat a whole food diet. Many of the nutrients that we need are in Quinoa such as Magnesium which naturally helps to reduce spasms in the bronchial tubes. We know that many asthma sufferers are short of vitamin b, minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron all of which can be found in Quinoa. Why not check out some of the recipes and see which ones are easiest to include in your child's diet.


This is another surprising area where Quinoa is known to be useful. It may not get rid of gallstones but it can help protect their development. Indeed this is another case where a wholesome diet rich in fiber can aid in the digestion of foodstuffs. As it is a soluble fiber it speeds through the intestines and reduces the need of increased bile production. Too much bile production helps to develop gallstones so this is another natural remedy for our bodies.

Type 2 Diabetes

Quinoa is rich in magnesium which is a mineral that is essential in the body's ability to deal with glucose and insulin. Yet again there is evidence that Quinoa, as part of a whole food diets aids in the digestion of foods. It is also known to increase Insulin sensitivity while reducing triglycerides (blood fats which need to be kept low in diabetics).

Heart Disease

Quinoa is known to prevent the clogging of arteries and veins which in turn helps to relieve stresses on the heart. The fat in Quinoa is good fat in that is low in cholesterol and can help reduce blood pressure thanks to the presence of potassium and magnesium. In other words it is a good source of protein without the drawbacks of too much saturated fat and cholesterol.

Pregnant Mums

Quinoa is known to be an endurance food which gives energy. It is also known to be a good source of Iron which pregnant mums are always advised to increase in their diet. It is good for tissue repair and development of teeth and bones. Along with the other benefits of Quinoa, it is a useful source of goodness that forming babies will demand in plenty as they grow. It is also good for Mums when they are feeding as it will improve the quality of milk for new-born infants.


Quinoa is thought to help prevent cataracts and may aid those with the condition. Studies have shown that people who absorb about 99 grams of protein were only half as likely to develop nuclear cataracts(light is difficult to pass through the centre of the eye) while those with the greater polyunsaturated fats about 17 grams a day were 30 percent likely not to develop problems with the outer lens(corticular cataracts).

Nowadays, we are looking more and more to natural foods. We all know the benefits of fibre in our diet but until more recently we have forgotten about Quinoa.

Health Benefits of Quinoa

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Health Benefits of Bilberry

Bilberry is made from a little blue berry that is related to blueberries and cranberries. Bilberry is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The herb is also a powerful antioxidant and has glucoquinine (lowers blood sugar levels). Bilberry contains flavonoids called anthocyanosides that protect the collagen structures in the blood vessels of the eye. Bilberry is used to treat eye problems such as Macular Degeneration, diabetic neuropathy, and/or cataracts.

Benefits of Bilberry


Bilberry is found mostly in dark skinned fruits. It is used to treat diarrhea, vericose veins, and mucous membrane inflammation. The herb is beneficial in the treatment of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and in eye health.

The Health Benefits of Bilberry

This herb may also help night vision. During World War II, British Pilots ate bilberry jam before going out on night flights. They claimed it improved their vision. It is believed that the bilberry herb helps the eyes to adjust to changes in light quickly. This is one of the greatest benefits of bilberry and can be very beneficial for ones eyes according to many studies.

In Europe it is used to treat venous insufficiency- a condition that causes swelling and varicose veins. It further relieves pain and itching, and it also. Helps combat skin ulcers on the legs. Reynaud's disease may benefit from bilberry. Reynauds causes pain and numbness in the outer extremities (fingers, toes and nose) when cold.

Bilberry improves circulation and makes artery walls. The herb may reduce inflammation, ease gastro-intestinal problems, and gum problems that have been linked to heart disease. Diarrhea and mouth sores can benefit from Bilberry as well. Bilberry has strong antiseptic properties, relieves peptic ulcers, diabetes, fibrocystic diseases, and painful menstruation.

Our conclusion For The Benefits Of Bilberry

Because of Bilberry's strong antioxidant composition, the herb makes an excellent free radical scavenger, which helps combat the cell damage that leads to premature aging and disease. The most noted benefit that we briefly discussed above, is its ability to treat a range of problems relating to ones eye health. For example, the herb protects collagen structures in the blood vessels of the eyes, thus promoting healthy capillaries that carry many vital nutrients, such as oxygen-rich blood to your eye muscles.

Various Studies have confirmed that the benefits of bilberry go even further than one might be aware of. The herb can be useful for protecting against macular degeneration, cataracts, night blindness, and poor or fading vision. We believe bilberry to be one of the best herbs available for the protection of ones eyes health. Clinical studies have even shown that if given orally to healthy people, it improves visual accuracy. Our conclusion is that everyone should consider consuming bilberry as it helps as part of an overall maintenance of ones health.

Other benefits of bilberry include treating menstrual cramps and helping aid stomach ulcers. Varicose veins, thrombosis, angina, and poor circulation may also be improved with the use of bilberry, as the herb helps with healthy blood flow.

Our last point to note is that bilberry contains a substance called glucoquinine, which has the ability to lower ones blood sugar levels significantly and its antioxidant, anthocyanin, within the herb itself, can reduce high blood pressure.

Possible Precautions for those considering using Bilberry

Some side effects related to the use of Bilberry, include the possibility of: stomach upset, dizziness, or headache. It could cause diarrhea, and thin out blood. Caution should be used as bilberry could interfere with medications. However, there are no known adverse interactions with prescription drugs, or have there been any harmful effects noted in the literature for this herb to the best of our knowledge. As always, though, use your common sense when taking nutritional supplements: if you notice any unwanted side effects, discontinue usage, or reduce your dosage level straight away. Remember to always consult with a qualified physician before beginning supplementation of any kind.

Pregnant or nursing women should always refrain from supplementation with nutritional products until they speak with their personal doctor.

Our opinion on the Bilberry Herb

The evidence for bilberry's benefits as a herb are long, varied, and shown in many clinical trails when it comes to treating eye disorders and maintaining clear vision in healthy individuals. However, many of the recent beneficial discoveries need further study in our opinions to validate the benefits further. Among these new findings are bilberry's benefits for menstrual cramps and helping treat stomach ulcers.

Because of the many benefits of bilberry, along with more or less unknown adverse side effects, we would say it is a supplement well worth checking out especially since there is a lack of side effects of bilberry -- unlike many other herbs on the market.

Tips On Getting The Best Benefits Of Bilberry

1. Make sure you purchase a bilberry supplement produced with a standardized extract. Standardized extracts contain the highest level of therapeutic benefits within the herbs. Most other herbal supplements on the market, however, do not even contain the amount of ingredients stated on the label. This is worrying within the nutritional industry and consumers need to take this issue seriously.

2. Dosages range from 20 to 160 mg. However, people who are in good overall health should take lower dosage levels, but maintain long term use. However, those people with specific conditions, such as macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, etc mentioned above in our article, may wish to supplement with dosage levels in the higher ranges, but do not go over what we have stated above.

The Health Benefits of Bilberry

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Health - How Do You Know What You Mean?

Are you Healthy - or just not Sick? If this sounds like a trivial question, then but how do you answer it? isn't it interesting that we can easily and specifically talk about our Ill-health at length, but we can't talk about Health in a way that evokes unambiguous understanding of what is meant? Does it even matter if there is a definition of the rather amorphous term? Well - we wouldn't dare to go and see a physician in absence of a "symptom" - an exception of your "normal" look or feeling? Of course not, health-care systems do not care about Health, they care about the mending  manifest diversions from the "Normal" condition. In other words, health-care should be more aptly referred to as "sick-care", because the system has no answers for the Healthy. Consequently, the definition of "sick" is rather obvious, it is the visible or experienced reduction of normal physical or mental condition or function. There are many different ways of expression, but the essence is unequivocally the same.

Now try to define "Health" and "being healthy" by a term that evokes a universally equivalent understanding. Obviously a challenge, most dictionaries confine the term as something like "the absence of disease". But isn't there much more to Health than the absence of an identifiable ailment? Apart from evident Physical Health, what about more concealed Mental Health, Emotional Health, Spiritual Health, Social Health, Intellectual Health - isn't all that essential to a state of well being? But does that mean "Health" is the absence of any and all (perceived) problems and concerns - would then "Health" be synonymous with Happiness? Even reduced to Physical Health there is a wide spectrum of ambiguity, if you feel tired or fatigued - are you sick or are you healthy? Is weight gain a disease or just a sign of hedonism? Are you ill because you need reading glasses? What about wrinkles and sagging skin - is aging a disease? This thought open a Pandora's box: what is the normal rate of aging - where is - and who is the authority for setting the benchmark for "normal"?


Are you absolutely or relatively Healthy?

Health - How Do You Know What You Mean?

Researchers at Rice University have tried to define the parameters for measuring Health. They conclude that Health is measured in terms of

l) absence of physical pain, physical disability, or a condition that is likely to cause death

2) emotional well-being, and

3) satisfactory social functioning.

But they admit that there is no single standard of measurement of health status of Individuals or Groups, which may be assessed by an observer. It follows that "Health" assessed in this way is relative and subjective, while what we really want to know is:

Am I absolutely Healthy - objectively measured, not subjectively assumed by relative comparison with Others. We don't compare our pain or disfigurement with the neighbors arthritis or cancer. Quite the opposite: we visualize and strive to look as young and slim as the person on the cover of a magazine. Such natural cravings are the very foundation of an ever growing Beauty and Anti-Aging industry, even in absence of objective standards.

That is exactly the point: if we can't define Health but only Ill-health - we'll never look like that Idol no matter what! Because if we measure our Health by its weaning, we'll wait to act until we can define the symptoms, thereby depriving ourselves from gaining and sustaining utmost Vitality and stunning Appearance.

If we succeed in establishing a globally valid definition for absolute Health - we can actually begin to provide of real Health-care, that is caring for the preservation - or revival of the benchmark Health.


Rice University: Measurement of Health Status

Knowing how Healthy you are

Health - How Do You Know What You Mean?

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Carrot Juice for Skin Health

Your skin is a reflection of your underlying health. Good nutrition including fresh vegetable juice such as carrots can play a role in creating better-looking skin. Carrot Juice is used for skin health to provide curative and preventative properties for healthy glowing skin. The largest organ in the body, our skin is the first defense against germs and the environment. One of the best ways to slow the aging of skin is to ensure the skin is well hydrated by consuming fresh juice and plenty of water each day.

Carrots are regarded as the 'herbal healer' of skin diseases as they promote the repair of skin tissue. Carrot juice is a valuable source of Vitamin A, which is a major vitamin for skin health. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, including phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, which protect, nourish and moisturize the skin. Nutrition received from carrots helps to reduce photosensitivity to promote skin renewal and protect the skin from sun damage.


Carrot juice acts as an anti-inflammatory and revitalizes and tones the skin. Cosmetically, carrots are used to treat dermatitis, eczema, rashes and wrinkles caused by free radicals. Carrot juice is also used to assist in the healing of cuts and abrasions. Complexion problems due mainly to toxic overload in the body and an acidic condition in the blood can be stabilized through consumption of carrot juice. Potassium in the carrots helps to neutralize the excess acid and the vitamin A assists the liver in flushing toxins from the body.

Carrot Juice for Skin Health

A recent study in the Netherlands found a significant link between skin condition and the level of vitamin A in the blood. Natural vitamin A in the form of Beta Carotene is abundant in fresh carrot juice thereby negating the need for vitamin A supplements.

Vitamin A deficiencies in the body include: premature wrinkling, skin impurities, acne, dry, scaly and rough skin, especially on the arms and legs. Carrot juice applied daily is great for uneven skin tones due to blemishes and pigmentation. Extract juice from carrots and pineapple using a juicer: mix pineapple juice and carrot juice together, apply it on the face and wash off after 15 minutes. Use this daily to achieve clear and even toned skin.

Drink carrot juice in small doses, as the body is unable to assimilate more than 8oz of carrot juice at a time. Large consumptions of carrot juice daily over a period of weeks may result in a yellow tinge to the skin. At best it will give a healthy glow to your tan. The skin discoloration is completely harmless and occurs primarily on the hands and feet. Either your body is unable to process carotene properly or your liver is toxic. Either way for healthy nutrition it is important not to concentrate on only one juice source.

A healthy skin is achieved internally through a nutritious diet incorporating fresh vegetable juice. Carrot juice is effective in maintaining and enhancing a soft, smooth disease free skin. An invigorating and refreshing juice, start drinking carrot juice today and tell me if you see a difference in your skin

Carrot Juice for Skin Health

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why Students Need Affordable Health Care, and How to Find It

Normally, one of the farthest thoughts from a college student's mind is procuring health insurance. Why is this? In many cases, a student attending college is between the ages of 18-25. He or she is likely healthy and lacking extra funds to put towards health care. Therefore, rather than spend the extra money for the health care premiums, it is put towards other necessary and unnecessary items.

In reality, it is extremely important for a student to obtain health care. A simple broken arm or leg, without insurance, could result in mounting medical bills that set the student back more than he or she realizes. Keeping this necessity in mind, it is also essential that affordable health care be available to college students. Often living on a tight budget as it is, students require a basic coverage that allows he or she to feel secure without draining already nonexistent financial resources.


The most ideal scenario would be for the student to, if at all possible, remain on his or her parent's health care plan. Many plans will continue to cover a student between the ages of nineteen and twenty three as long as he or she remains in college for a certain number of credit hours (usually full time) each semester.

Why Students Need Affordable Health Care, and How to Find It

Often times, colleges and universities offer (and sometimes mandate) a basic health plan to students who attend that particular school. "Basic" is the applicable word here - although these plans are affordable for students, the coverage is often very limited. Students are also frequently required to see physicians and medical facilities on campus. In order to broaden the scope of medical care to doctors and facilities off-campus, a private health insurance plan may be needed.

A search of the internet will uncover a variety of resources and information to point a student in the right direction as they attempt to secure affordable health care.

Helpful sites include: - compiles a range of various health plans that have comprehensive benefits, backed by solid underwriters. - an informative resource for students looking for health insurance quotes from UnitedHealthCare. - also provides health insurance quotes and FAQs for students. - offers personalized quotes for students, and coverage highlights from Assurant Health.

The reality is that there are countless web sites that offer students the ability to review and compare plans, as well as receive multiple quotes by filling out just one application. Affordable health care is available, and the internet makes it even easier to obtain the coverage that is right for the individual student.

Why Students Need Affordable Health Care, and How to Find It

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ginger Health: Goodness of Ginger Herb

Revered in the Orient for its powerful healing qualities and its culinary uses, Ginger has been in use since ages. A perennial herb, ginger is a greenish yellow rhizome. The botanical name of the spice is Zingiber Officinale. Ginger is been used extensively in the Orient; its benefits covering a spectrum so wide, that it includes the medicinal, culinary as well as aromatherapy fields. A pungent and flavorful spice, ginger is one of the most widely used spices in the East.

Ginger is known to be beneficial to the body in a number of ways. Ginger can be used in its raw as well as dried form. Raw ginger is thermogenic, anti-flatulent, appetiser, digestive and a powerful laxative.


Dried ginger is thermogenic, appetizer, laxative, expectorant, stimulant and effective to cure stomach disorders. Dried and ground ginger is used to cure cold, cough, cholera, nausea ad vomiting, inflammations, diarrhea, colic, flatulence, anorexia, asthma and headaches.

Ginger Health: Goodness of Ginger Herb

Ginger has extensive uses in aromatherapy as well. Ginger yields an essential oil that is steam distilled from the unpeeled, dried and ground root. Ginger oil is used in combination with sandalwood, cedar wood and patchouli, which renders a woody-spicy scent to the mixture.

The uses of ginger as a digestive aid can be largely attributed to the presence of gingerols and shogaols, which help neutralise stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract.

The active ingredient in ginger is terpenes and an oleoresin, which is called ginger oil. These active agents are responsible for its antiseptic qualities, lymph-cleansing, circulation-stimulating and mild constipation relief. Research has shown that ginger lowers blood cholesterol by reducing cholesterol absorption in the blood and liver.

Other Ginger health benefits

o Ginger has been known to reduce inflammation of the joints and muscle tissue for people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism. o Ginger improves blood circulation, hence thought to improve the complexion too. It is also known to have reduced nervousness, ease tendonitis and relieve sore throats. o Ginger is an effective herbal remedy for all kinds of motion sickness and even morning sickness during pregnancy. A great way to get rid of the uneasy, queasy feeling in the stomach. o Scientists have found that ginger can block the effects of prostaglandin - a substance that causes inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, which leads to migraine. o Many women believe that consuming ginger tea during periods helps minimize menstrual cramps. o Known for its warming action, ginger is an effective treatment in colds and flu. o An effective remedy for cramps caused by flatulence, ginger stimulates digestion. o Ginger is a mood enhancer, the Cineole present in ginger helps provide stress relief. o It is a great mouth freshener and ginger tea is known for its refreshing properties.

Ginger Health: Goodness of Ginger Herb

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